Quinn Cobbledger builds easy-to-use mobile apps that use voice recordings to address major challenges.
1 Platform, 3 Ways to Win
Quinn Cobbledger’s apps address major challenges in our most important spaces. Each app is powered by the same voice pitch technology.
At Quinn Cobbledger, we believe in creating apps that are fast, fair, inclusive and free of bias.
We believe that equity and inclusion are essential for the success of businesses and individuals. We’re committed to creating technology for good. For Quinn Cobbledger, amplifying every voice is the key to helping communities thrive. We’re working to give everyone a fair shot at a better life.
HearMore creates a real “open door” between employees and HR. Employees can use the app to request career development support, to apply for internal openings with elevator pitches and to report harassment & misconduct. HearMore can even put HR teams ahead of major personnel risks and improve retention.
Job Pitch allows job seekers to connect with potential employers using elevator pitches that highlight skills, discuss salary expectations and explain what they want in their next role. Job Pitch also supports pre-employment background checks to reduce hiring time.
APPly streamlines applications for special programs and assistance by using audio clips to reduce administrative strain on all parties. APPly also makes it easier for program leads to get feedback from participants. More feedback means better support.